Bagels, Bagels, Bagels




Please note: As long as you have more then 2 people, we can schedule a time other than what is listed here. Just e mail us a few dates and times and we will make it work for you. We can also do classes at your home or business. Prices may be different depending on what and where you want to do it. E mail any inquiries  to or call 647-438-7772.

Impress family and friends with from-scratch bread that has no equal for taste and flavor. We will demonstrate makes bagel dough different from other bread dough. And find out how to mix and develop your dough for incredibly tasty results. You’ll also learn how to whip up Montreal Bagels as well. From dividing your dough equally to poaching, topping and baking your bagels, We will show you through each step of making your best bagels ever.  Find out how to mix and expertly round your dough, cook classic fillings and bake your treats to perfection.