Cookie Toronto
Formerly known as
Local: 416-232-2253

Delivery Information

Below is a list of delivery charges for the Entire Greater Metropolitan Area (GTA). These charges apply to same day delivery during the hours of approximately 9:00 - 4:00 pm. If you require a more narrow timeframe we have these available as well and when you select that time on the website it will list any charges if there are any.

Toronto FREE
North York FREE
Etobicoke $2.00
Scarborough $3.99
Mississauga $6.99
Vaughan $5.99
Markham $5.99
Markham North $6.99
Thornhill $5.99
Richmond Hill $5.99
Richmond Hill N.$6.99
Woodbridge $5.99
Woodbridge N. $14.99
Brampton $8.99
Oakville $28.95
Pickering $22.99
Maple $16.99
Whitby $45.00
Ajax $32.00
Aurora $38.00
Newmarket $44.00
King City $69.00
Burlington $56.00